(NO) RULES -EXHIBITION / PERFORMANCES @ mp43-projektraum für das periphere, BERLIN, 7. – 25.July 2024

Artists Tellervo Kalleinen & Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen, Anett Lau, Sao Sreymao, YKON
Welcome to the opening on Saturday, 6.Juli 2024, 3-6 pm
6.Juli 6 pm – 6:30 pm Tellervo Kalleinen, “Recycling You” (Performance)

As the name suggests, this is a recycling event. Together with Tellervo Kalleinen the audience exchanges their old opinions. An idea you no longer need can be interesting to someone else. Some of the opinions are needed by nobody.


Wednesday, 10.Juli 2024, 7-10 pmPerformance, YKON, “PLAY HOUSE” ( A reality game / party performance)

A space filled with people, drinks, food, music… and then what? The event looks like a party from the outside, but there are a lot of parallel games going on. YKON hosts Tellervo Kalleinen, Sauli Anetjärvi, Christina Kral and Milan Braun welcome the guests and give them individual game tasks.  This evening shows how simple, low-tech game mechanics can radically alter how people relate to each other. The ca. three hour event welcomes suspension, deconstruction and reconfiguration with social interactions.


Curator: Gisela Wrede
“Everything can and will be calculated. Play is no longer just unintentional activity, it is also a (distorting) mirror and paradigm. Mechanisms, patterns and rules emerge. An interaction between reality and game/image emerges. Game theory enables precise predictions to be made for the behavior of groups of people. In combination with mechanics and cybernetics, it expands the playing field. It can be anywhere.”
Stollberger Straße 73
12627 Berlin

ODE TO Y INVITES YOU TO THE TABLE @ Helsinki, Vantaa, Porvoo and Tampere

On its 35th anniversary, Y-Säätiö Foundation commissioned us to create a public artwork involving its residents. The work, which has been in progress since 2020, will be celebrated in June 2024! 

Y-Säätiö is the largest nationwide non-profit landlord in Finland and an international expert in fighting homelessness. Y-Säätiö promotes social justice by offering affordable rental apartments. 

Ode to Y consists of five mosaic-covered tables – there are two of each of them – as well as an interactive mobile application. The physical tables were donated to two Y-Homes (Taipaletalo and Rukkila housing community) and three M2-Homes. The tables contain a total of approximately 17,400 mosaic pieces. The figure corresponds to the number of Y-Säätiö rental apartments in 2020, when we started planning the work. 

Anyone can download the free mobile app that is part of the work. It allows you to dig deeper into the mosaic: during 2023 we set up a mobile studio in the properties included in the project, and invited residents to add content to the mosaic tiles. By clicking the digital mosaic tiles of the Art Table, you’ll find art made by the residents. To the Table Instrument we recorded sounds produced by the residents. The mosaic of the Game Table archives residents’ memories from playing games around a table. The Common Table gathers residents’ insights and learnings about coexistence in an apartment building. The Ode to Y table, on the other hand, contains the history of the Y Foundation as told by its employees. The organization’s journey from an idea born at the kitchen table to a globally significant homelessness activist greatly inspired us. 

When Juha Kaakinen first contacted us, he emphasized the values ​​of the foundation, especially community spirit. So many communal and meaningful moments are experienced right around the table! Our work invites people to the table, but also creates connections through the stories, pictures, memories and poems hidden in the digital mosaic.

You can see the physical tables in the yards of Taipaletalo (Porvoo), Rukkilan asumisyhteisö (Helsinki), Lyyrapyrstö 2 (Tampere) and Puunhaltijankuja (Vantaa). 

The project was funded by Y-Foundation. It was co-production of Y-Foundation and Firma Oy / Studio Kalleinen. The work was made possible due to AVEK’s Mediarata support for Firma Oy.



Helsinki-based artist duo Tellervo Kalleinen (FIN) and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen (DE) work in the field of participatory art crossing various mediums: performance, cinema, and socially engaged games. They became known as the founders of the International Complaints Choir project (2005-2014). 

In the exhibition, they show three works of participatory art. Collective Mindscape (2024) is a digital 3D world constructed of the inner mindscapes of eight people who have experienced cancer. The viewer can move freely in the open world, through simple hand movements. Collective Mindscape is a commissioned work for the Cancer Day Care Center in Helsinki. In Hilbertraum the work is shown for the first time outside the hospital.

For the Final Scenes for Disaster Movies (2023), the duo invited residents of Helsinki to imagine a final scene for an imaginary disaster movie. The scene had to take place at Kansalaistori, a square located in the heart of Helsinki. From 105 submissions, 3 scenes were realised, with over a hundred volunteers acting in the film scenes, most of whom portrayed adult zombies. 

People in White (2011) explores the relationship between doctor and patient in mental health care – strictly from a patient’s point of view. In the film, 9 former clients of mental health institutions return to their memories through storytelling and re-enactments.

together with  Philip Horst (ZK/U) and Susanne Bosch

Conversation Park is a unique artistic experiment of transforming an abandoned plot of land into a public park in the Finnish town of Rauma. In 2019 thirty residents between the ages of 6 and 89 became players in a two-year-long “Public Space Game”. Their mission was to unify their 30 individual park visions into one urban park. The playful process, designed and moderated by Tellervo and Oliver, progressed through 6 phases. Conversation Park was made possible by the Lönnström Art Museum. In the event at Hilbertraum, Tellervo and Oliver will present the Conversation Park -project, and the book they wrote about it. The duo has invited renowned artists Susanne Bosch and Philip Horst to provide additional commentary and insights with respect to their expertise on participatory art and participatory urban planning.


We are very happy to announce that Collective Mindscape is now open for viewers at Comprehensive Cancer Center. 

Eight participants described their two inner landscapes to the us: their personal sanctuary, and the more difficult terrain, which reflects life with cancer. The mindscapes were realized with 3D graphics and combined into one virtual world.

The artwork is displayed on a framed screen, which in passive mode looks like a large slow-moving landscape painting. You can dive deeper by sitting in front of it: simple instructions on how to move in the terrain appear. 

If you want to hear the thoughts and experiences of the participants, you should look for particles of light in the terrain: walking through a shiny cloud makes the participants talk about their cancer experiences and their relationship with their mental landscapes.

Common Mindscape has been realized using the open world game technology. The visualization of the work is made by 3D artists Vilma Ratinen and Katariina Kontturi.

Common Mindscape  is the result of five years of work. The piece is part of a collection of commissioned works for the hospital Encounters – art in Siltasairaala, curated by Taru Elfving. Common Mindscape  is the first media artwork in the collection involving patients.

We first designed the piece for cancer patients, but have later understood that we all belong to target group.


Salo Art Museum is organizing an event around our work 101 For All. Three locals, farmer Esa Ranniko, veterinarian Jerina Wallius and business coach Juho Nenose, each have 20 minutes to present the work from their own perspective without interruption. They are free to choose whatever they want from the sea of 30 topics and 1,900 video clips. The event is in Finnish and it is moderated by Tellervo. Welcome 31 August 7pm!


Welcome to the premiere of our participatory film Final Scenes of Disaster Movies. The piece will be premiered in Night of Arts, 17 August 8.30pm and 9.30pm at Kansalaistori, Helsinki, in front of the Oodi library.

In spring 2023 we invited people to send ideas how an imaginary disaster movie could end. Out of 105 proposals we chose three, which we filmed with volunteer actors. All the scenes take place at Kansalaistori, Helsinki.

Cleaning Women has composed the music score to the film, and they will play it live during screening.  In between of the two screenings they will play a mini concert. The event is free.

The project is commissioned by Helsinki Festival / Marko Ahtisaari and it is made in collaboration with Helsinki Events Foundation Sr, YLE / Sari Volanen and AVEK/ Milla Moilanen. 



Why do we think like we think? For All put it’s focus on the people hidden inside statistics – and to the stories behind their opinions. 

The 100 people in the art piece forms a cross-section of the Finnish population in terms of gender, age, region, education, level of income, country of origin and mother tongue. 51 of them are classified as women, 13 isover 70 years old, one is from Asia and one holds a Ph.D. 

In 2015 Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen visited them around Finland. The artists interviewed people about their personal relationship with 30 topics that tend to divide opinions. The interviewees tried to pinpoint experiences and influences that play a role on how their opinions were shaped. 

The 1900 responses fed into an interactive video-installation. One spectator at a time can choose who to let speak, and on what topic.

Concept, Interviews, Camera: Tellervo Kalleinen & Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen /Programming: Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen Producers: Essi Ojanperä, Heini Puurunen, Tellervo Kalleinen / Translations: Laura Hilska, Susanne Ådahl, Mauri Aarniosuo, Eeva Marttinen, Jussi Suvanto, Tim Page, Anni Kåhre, Liisa Roberts, Rita Jokiranta / Editing and Color Correction: Nina Forsman, Tellervo Kalleinen, Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen / Editing Assistance: Nina Aspinen, Saana Kotila, Sanna Kultanen / Consultation: Kaskpar Brakis, Tina Cavén, Taru Elfving, Irmeli Kokko, Seppo Laaksonen, Laura Lohikoski, Reijo Sund / Supporters: Finnish Cultural Foundation, Kone Foundation, AVEK (Elena Näsänen), Oskar Öflund Foundation, Arts Promotion Centre Finland. WARM  THANKS TO THE PARTICIPANTS!



“THE BALLOT” is an exhibition about a small but highly significant artefact: the ballot paper. Taking place during the time of the Finnish parliamentary elections in 2023, the exhibition tracks the evolution of the ballot paper in Finland, the other Nordic countries, Germany, and Lithuania by presenting 60 historic artefacts from 1856 to 2021.


Why do the ballot papers look the way they do? Who actually designed them? How come the ballots are so different between countries with similar political systems? How do ballots reflect political trends and events over time? Is the current ballot design the best we can do or is there space for improvement?


The evolution of the Finnish ballot started with one of the most progressive electoral laws in 1906, featuring oversized, so-called bed sheet ballots. Starting in 1945 Finland switched to one of the smallest ballots in the world, nicknamed appropriately the miniature ballot, which is still in use today. Even though this ballot paper has passed through the hands of most Finns, it is hitherto unknown who actually designed this innovative ballot. The exhibition can provide a likely answer to this question.


The opening event takes place on March 15th at 17:00 at Nordic Culture Point in Kaisaniemi.

Come and check out exciting ballots from Finland, Germany, the Nordic countries and beyond.


The opening will also feature an entertaining panel that will deconstruct ballots live on stage. Three experts from different fields of knowledge, such as UX design, democratic governance and art will pass judgement on a number of ballot contestants. Further events are especially catering for young and first-time voters.



ENG: Final Scenes of Disaster Movies -project looks forward your input! Please send us ideas of what could happen in the end of an imaginary disaster movie of your choice. The scenes have to take place at Helsinki’s Kansalaistori. We also look for volunteering actors for the film shootings, which happen in the end of May / beginning of June. The results will be seen from a huge led screen in Kansalaistori 17 August 2023, as the kick off event of Helsinki Festival. Read more and contact us here

FIN:Tellervo Kalleisen ja Oliver Kochta-Kalleisen osallistava elokuvaprojekti Katastrofielokuvien loppukohtauksia kerää elokuvallisia loppuratkaisuja todellisille tai keksityille katastrofeille. Niiden tulee sijoittua Helsingin Kansalaistorille. 28.2. avautuvassa haussa voi lähettää ideansa tai ilmoittautua näyttelijäksi: kohtaukset näytellään vapaaehtoisten kaupunkilaisten voimin touko-kesäkuun vaihteessa järjestetyissä kuvauksissa. Lue lisää ja ota yhteyttä Helsingin Juhlaviikkojen verkkosivujen kautta!