We are very happy to announce that Collective Mindscape is now open for viewers at Comprehensive Cancer Center. 

Eight participants described their two inner landscapes to the us: their personal sanctuary, and the more difficult terrain, which reflects life with cancer. The mindscapes were realized with 3D graphics and combined into one virtual world.

The artwork is displayed on a framed screen, which in passive mode looks like a large slow-moving landscape painting. You can dive deeper by sitting in front of it: simple instructions on how to move in the terrain appear. 

If you want to hear the thoughts and experiences of the participants, you should look for particles of light in the terrain: walking through a shiny cloud makes the participants talk about their cancer experiences and their relationship with their mental landscapes.

Common Mindscape has been realized using the open world game technology. The visualization of the work is made by 3D artists Vilma Ratinen and Katariina Kontturi.

Common Mindscape  is the result of five years of work. The piece is part of a collection of commissioned works for the hospital Encounters – art in Siltasairaala, curated by Taru Elfving. Common Mindscape  is the first media artwork in the collection involving patients.

We first designed the piece for cancer patients, but have later understood that we all belong to target group.