Our new project ARCHIPELAGO SCIENCE FICTION explores people’s visions, hopes and fears about the Finnish Arcipelago in 100 years – in the form of short cinematic presentations! For this project we would kindly ask people who live(d) full or part time in Turku Archipelago, to fill in this questionnaire. Feel free to fill in only those parts that interest you.

You are also welcome to the workshop and the film shootings – the project is made in talkoo spirit! In the workshop we collectively work on all the answers and start putting them into film language. Each workshop takes ca 4hours. Choose the best time and place for you. The exact times will be found from here later on. The workshop schedule is:
Friday 7.1.2011 at Korppoo
Saturday 8.1.2011 at Utö
Tuesday 11.1.2011 at Houtskär

Contact us for registrations or questions. Information about the film shootings will be found here later on. Please spread the word!