We are happy to present 101 For All -installation at the great documentary festival DocPoint. The venue is Dubrovnik (Eerikinkatu 11, Helsinki). TheĀ installation is there on two days: 28 and 31 January 11am – 6pm.
101 For All is an interactive documentary movie -installation that offers the personal story behind the statistics. Imagine a Finland of 100 inhabitants. 51 of them would be women, 13 would be over 70 years old, one would be from Asia and one would hold a Ph.D. 101 For All offers a possibility to get to know them.
Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen visited one hundred homes around Finland and interviewed people about their personal relationship with 30 topics of discussion that tend to divide opinions. The 100 interviewees form a cross-section of the Finnish population in terms of gender, age, region, education, level of income, country of origin and mother tongue. The interviews were made in depth, with an intention to understand the influences behind the formation of the opinions and attitudes of the participants.
101 For All includes about 65 hours of video interviews. Visitors can pick – one at a time – their desired selection of answers from the available topics, and the interviewee that they want to hear speak. The 101th person – as referred to in the title – is the visitor, exposing the piece in his or her own way to other visitors.
The piece challenges to pursue one of the most radical acts of our time, listening to others without prejudice.