Last November we facilitated two parallel Complaints Choirs in our two German “home towns” Berlin and Dresden as part of the Nordwind festival. It was a long time dream to host one in Dresden, our aunt Gabi had asked already many years why we never organize one in Dresden. After completing the process in Germany we thought that Berlin and Dresden will be the last stations of our long journey with CC, but we were approached by an interesting new foundation based in Switzerland called Artasfoundation. Their mission is to bring artists into conflict areas to organise projects there: see their mission statement here. They asked us to organize a Complaints Choir for their pilot project in Georgia in Camps for Internally Displaced People. In March 2014 we will be in Georgia to facilitate the process in two camps near Gori.

image: A village built for IDPs from the South Ossetia war zone, photo by Gorod – SKY