Formen der Beteiligung / Forms of Participation
4th of February – 15th of April 2012

Verein Shedhalle, Rote Fabrik, Seestrasse 395, Postfach 771, CH-8038 Zürich

In this show, the artist couple Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen is invited to present its projects and collaborations.  In the centre of the show are four video installations, “I love my job“,  “People in White“, “Dreamland“ and “Archipelago Science Fiction“, accompanied by an installation and  a participative game of YKON, and a performance of JOKAklubi. The aim of the exhibition is to present the different and unique aesthetic forms of participation and humour, which we deem crucial and exemplary in the discourse of public sphere and politically engaged art.

YKON GAME: Sunday, April 15, 3-6 pm

YKON, a group of seven artists, develops games and workshops, which last several hours and include up to 50 people . In Zurich, a game with the following preliminaries will be set up: “It is a world simulation game for up to 30 players. It’s based on a simple thought experiment: imagine that the world is brought to a complete halt. Everything stops. No more business as usual. With the world frozen, you and your fellow players can tinker with it as you please. What will you change? How do you convince others to go along with your changes? And what about the consequences? Through the 1960’s, Buckminster Fuller was developing the ‘World Game’. It was to be his masterplan for the planet Earth: a tool that would formulate a comprehensive, design science approach to all the problems of the world. Inspired by the ideas of Fuller, we have developed the YKON Game, a more poetic perspective on the future of our world.

Instead solving the problems that we know, The YKON Game seeks to uncover the ideas that we’re still missing — sometimes wonderful, sometimes terrifying thoughts that could forever alter the world, and the way we live in it. For its players, the game poses an existential challenge: they will have to think about what kind of world they truly want. So come and change the world. You don’t need to be an expert: everyone is welcome.“
